Meet Megan Ivey! Megan is a new Campaign Strategist, (she was previously a Campaign Coordinator) and has been with Amplified since the beginning of the year. Fun fact about Megan: she was voted most likely to be the first woman president in elementary school…twice!
Amplified piqued Megan’s interest because she had several friends that worked for Lee Enterprises as reporters. When she started looking at career options, she had always seen herself at an advertising and marketing agency. While looking for open positions, she discovered Amplified, which fit the bill for her perfectly. “We have creative concepts and people, but what we focus on is generating measurable success, which makes our campaigns very rewarding,” Megan said.
Megan loves the campaign strategist position for several reasons. She loves that it is a newer role at Amplified, so it allows her to transition and learn new things constantly. “I really like that as a strategist, you get to be a part of everything that happens both before and after the media is sold, so you get to watch everything come together which is awesome,” Megan said.
Megan enjoys watching the show Shark Tank because it’s about more than just the development of the concept itself. It is all about selling yourself and the background behind the concept. “I was a journalism major and I am a huge storyteller, so I really like that aspect of the show. I think storytelling can have a weird connotation, but if you think about it a lot of digital is just finding an effective way to tell your story,” Megan said.
One place Megan would like to visit is Ireland. “If I had done college the way I had in mind, I would’ve studied abroad for a semester,” Megan said.