Did you know that 92% of Americans were reachable by CTV programmatic advertising in 2022? That number has likely gone up further since.

Gone are the days when your advertising reach was limited to those sitting in front of their traditional TV screens at prime time. That sort of mass marketing was very costly, and not very targeted. You needed an astronomical budget to make a dent.

The rise of connected TV (CTV) has flipped the script, opening up a digital frontier where you can pinpoint audiences with laser precision. Now, you’re not just casting a wide net and hoping for the best; you’re targeting individuals based on their specific interests. This shift isn’t just a small step; it’s a giant leap for advertisers looking to maximize their impact.

With CTV, your messages find their way into the living rooms (dorm rooms, phones, etc) of exactly the right people, transforming how you connect, engage, and ultimately drive results in today’s fragmented media landscape.

Rise of Connected TV

Exponential Growth

The exponential growth of connected TV (CTV) is undeniable. It’s reshaping how you watch television and interact with digital content. Advances in technology have made CTVs more accessible and user-friendly, leading to a surge in their popularity.

In recent years, the number of CTV users has skyrocketed. This isn’t just about having more choices; it’s about experiencing TV in a whole new way. With CTV, viewers get to enjoy high-definition content on demand, without being tied to broadcast schedules or cable subscriptions.

The good news for advertisers is this is a HUGE and very targeted way that you can reach new customers.

Content Variety

One of the biggest advantages of CTV is the sheer variety of content available. Whether you’re audience is into movies, documentaries, or niche hobbies, there’s something for everyone. This diversity has made CTV a go-to option for advertisers seeking to reach people on a mass level, but with their specific interests in mind.

This increase in content variety and accessibility offers a golden opportunity. Advertisers can now place ads next to content that matches their target demographic closely. This precision targeting ensures that ads reach viewers who are most likely to be interested in what they’re selling.

With old cable and satellite TV options, you needed a massive budget to blanket the market and reach a ton of viewers who weren’t in your target audience. That’s no longer the case.

Advertising Evolution

The rise of CTV has revolutionized advertising strategies. Traditional TV ads were often seen as disruptive and were limited by broad targeting options. However, CTV allows for more personalized ad experiences, making them more effective and less annoying for viewers.

Advertisers appreciate the detailed analytics provided by CTV platforms. These insights help them understand viewer behavior better, enabling them to craft campaigns that resonate well with their intended audience.

Imagine placing an ad for your personal injury law firm during a true crime show. The level of detail you get with your targeting has opened up new opportunities, and the sky is the limit.


Benefits of CTV Advertising

Precision Targeting

We’ve already touched on this, but it’s the biggest feature when it comes to running ads on connected TV. You now have the power to pinpoint your audience with incredible accuracy. Unlike traditional TV’s broad reach, CTV allows you to target viewers based on specific demographics, interests, and even viewing habits. This precision ensures that your ads are seen by the individuals most likely to be interested in your products or services.

The advantage here is twofold. First, it maximizes the effectiveness of your advertising spend by focusing only on relevant audiences. Second, it enhances the user experience by delivering ads that align with viewers’ preferences and needs.

Higher Engagement

CTV advertising shines when it comes to engagement rates. Viewers engaged with content on their terms are more receptive to advertisements, especially when these ads are relevant and personalized. Studies show that CTV ads boast a significantly higher engagement rate than those on traditional television platforms.

With a sample of 1000 people watching cable TV versus 1000 people watching on a connected TV device, let’s make an example. Say 20% of the cable TV audience is your target audience. Of those 40%, you have an opt-in rate of 10% of people who visit your website. That’s 20 people to your website.

Now take CTV, where the audience is hyper-targeted and you run a relevant ad, let’s say 80% of these people are ideal for your ad. Since it’s CTV, it’s easier to engage since many devices will allow you to click straight through to your website, no need to remember or write down the web address and type it in. This gets you a 20% conversion rate on your ad. That’s 160 people to your website, vs. 20 the traditional route. Even if only 40% of people are interested in your ad from the start, that’s still 80 people vs. 20.

This increased engagement stems from the non-intrusive nature of CTV ads and the fact that they often cannot be skipped. As a result, your message gains more attention and retention, leading to better conversion rates for your campaigns.

Detailed Analytics

One of the most significant advantages of CTV advertising lies in its analytics capabilities. With traditional TV, measuring ad performance has always been a challenge, often relying on broad viewership estimates. This is followed up by seeing over time whether sales spike or stay the same, and then the attribution was loosely tied to the traditional TV ad (even though it could have also been from any number of other factors).

In contrast, CTV provides detailed analytics about who watched your ad, how they interacted with it, and what actions they took afterward. If your ad is skippable, you get stats on how many people skipped vs. how many people watched it. You can also see the average watch time of your ad to see what part of the ad is working, and where people lost interest and skipped through.

These insights allow for continuous optimization of your advertising strategy. You can tweak your campaigns based on real data regarding what works and what doesn’t, ensuring that every dollar you spend is used as effectively as possible.

Targeting Your Audience

Verified Engagement

With cookies on their way out, you need verified human audiences more than ever. This shift represents a significant opportunity for marketers to engage with real consumers genuinely interested in their products or services. New tracking technologies like first-party data and universal IDs are stepping up. They ensure your advertising reaches the right people by relying on consent-based information directly from the audience.

First-party data gives you insights into customer preferences and behavior without infringing on privacy. Universal IDs, on the other hand, offer a comprehensive view of consumer actions across multiple platforms. This is crucial for creating a cohesive marketing strategy that respects user privacy. It’s also key to marketing attribution. You know which ads on which platforms are driving the clicks and sales. It’s powerful stuff.

Privacy-First Solutions

As the digital landscape evolves, so does the importance of privacy-first advertising models. Technologies such as fingerprinting and hashed email addresses provide secure ways to track user engagement. These methods respect consumer privacy while delivering relevant content at the right time.

The move away from cookies doesn’t mean less effective advertising. Instead, it opens doors to more genuine connections between your brand and your audience. By focusing on privacy-respecting practices, you build trust—a vital component of customer loyalty. CTV is at the forefront of these privacy-focused advertising methods.

Granular Segmentation

Connected TV (CTV) allows for precise audience segmentation based on interests, viewing habits, and demographic data. This level of granularity ensures that your message reaches individuals most likely to engage with your brand. Leveraging data analytics further refines these targeting strategies over time, enhancing the effectiveness of your campaigns.

The ability to segment audiences so finely transforms CTV into an incredibly powerful marketing channel. It’s not just about reaching people; it’s about reaching the right people at moments when they’re most receptive to your message.

Programmatic Precision

Programmatic advertising automates the ad buying process, making it easier and more efficient to place ads where they’ll have the most impact. On CTV platforms, this means leveraging algorithms and machine learning to ensure your ads are seen by viewers who match your target profile precisely.

This automation also enables real-time adjustments based on performance metrics, ensuring optimal reach and engagement with minimal waste. Programmatic advertising in CTV contexts represents a significant leap forward in how ads are delivered and measured.

Amplified Digital Agency has an expert team that is well-versed in building verified human audiences through CTV channels. We respect the end-users privacy and are working hard to lead the future of advertising in the cookieless world.

We invite you to contact us to get started with CTV advertising, or if you want to learn more first, keep reading!

Types of CTV Content

Live Sports

You’ll find live sports broadcasting on platforms like ESPN through CTV services. This allows viewers to catch every game, match, or tournament at the right time without needing a traditional cable subscription. The convenience and accessibility of watching live sports on devices like Apple TV or Roku have transformed how fans engage with their favorite teams.

Live sports content is not just about watching the game. It’s about experiencing the thrill from anywhere. This reach directly to sports fans makes a prime audience for many companies in industries such as:

  • Automotive
  • Beverage
  • Consumer electronics
  • Fast food chains
  • Health and fitness
  • Sports apparel and equipment
  • Video game and entertainment

One big draw for viewership coming up is the 2024 Olympics. If you are interested in CTV advertising, Amplified can help you take advantage of this ‘golden’ opportunity.

On-Demand Movies

Platforms such as Roku and SlingTV offer an extensive library of on-demand movies. Whether viewers are in the mood for a classic film or the latest blockbuster, CTV provides the effectiveness of finding exactly what you want to watch when you want to watch it. This flexibility is one of the key advantages of connected TV over traditional TV viewing.

The content of a movie and those who will watch it speak volumes to the interests a person has, and this makes for effective, targeted advertising.

Niche Channels

Niche channels and apps cater to specific interests such as HGTV for home improvement enthusiasts or gaming channels available through Roku. This specialization allows users to dive deep into their hobbies or interests without sifting through unrelated content.

Niche channels provide a personalized viewing experience, enhancing user satisfaction by aligning content with viewer preferences.

These types of channels serve fewer advertisers, but the viewership is so targeted they are the perfect advertising opportunity for businesses that fit the bill.

Interactive Content

The emergence of interactive content on CTV platforms like Apple TV introduces a new layer of engagement. Viewers can make choices that influence the storyline in certain shows or participate in live polls during events. This interactivity represents a potential revolution in how audiences consume TV, making viewing a more dynamic and engaging experience.

Interactive content blurs the lines between viewers and creators, offering an immersive experience that traditional TV cannot match.

Capabilities on these types of channels are still emerging, but it’s exciting what types of opportunities lie ahead.


Optimizing Ad Campaigns

A/B Testing

To ensure your ads grab attention and drive action, A/B testing is crucial. This process lets you compare different ad creatives and messages to see what resonates best with your audience. By running these tests, you can identify which elements—be it imagery, messaging, or call-to-action—yield the highest engagement and conversion rates.

You should start by creating two versions of your ad. Each should differ in one key aspect. Then, distribute them equally across the selected CTV inventory. Monitor performance closely to understand which version performs better. This insight allows you to refine your approach continuously, ensuring that your content not only fits the types of CTV content available but also speaks directly to viewer preferences.

Real-Time Analytics

Leverage real-time analytics to adjust your campaigns on the fly for better outcomes. These tools offer immediate insights into how your ads are performing, enabling quick decision-making that can significantly improve campaign efficiency.

By analyzing data as it comes in, you can identify trends and patterns early on. If a particular ad isn’t performing as expected, you have the flexibility to tweak it mid-campaign. This could mean adjusting the targeting criteria, changing the ad creative, or even reallocating budget towards more successful inventory slots. The goal is to maximize return on investment by responding dynamically to live campaign data.

Omnichannel Integration

For maximum impact, integrate CTV advertising into your broader omnichannel marketing strategy. This approach ensures that your message is consistent across all platforms and touchpoints, providing a unified brand experience for consumers.

Consider how CTV ads can complement other channels like social media, search advertising, and email marketing. For instance, if a viewer sees your ad on a connected TV device but doesn’t immediately act on it, retargeting them through social media or search ads can help keep your brand top-of-mind and encourage them to take the next step. This holistic strategy amplifies reach and reinforces messaging across the customer journey.

Measuring Success in CTV

Key Indicators

After optimizing your ad campaigns, it’s crucial to measure their success. Key performance indicators (KPIs) guide this process. They show how effectively your Connected TV ads perform.

View-through rate (VTR) is a top metric. It reveals the percentage of viewers who watch your ad completely. A high VTR suggests strong engagement.

Conversion rate tracks viewers who take a desired action after seeing your ad. This could be visiting your website or making a purchase. High conversion rates indicate effective ads.

Cost per acquisition (CPA) measures the expense of acquiring a customer through CTV ads. Lower CPAs mean more efficient spending.

Attribution Models

Understanding the direct impact of CTV ads on consumer behavior is vital. Attribution models offer insights here. They help you see which ads drive actions like website visits or purchases.

Single-touch attribution credits one ad interaction for the conversion. It’s simple but may not reflect the full journey.

Multi-touch attribution considers multiple interactions along the customer journey. It gives a fuller picture of what drives conversions. Multi-touch is the best model, as it let’s you know what advertising dollars are attributing to higher conversions, even if the conversion didn’t happen on that particular platform.

Viewer Feedback

Surveys and feedback loops are powerful tools for gauging brand sentiment and ad recall among viewers. They provide direct insight into how audiences perceive your brand and remember your ads.

Post-ad surveys can ask viewers about their feelings towards your brand after viewing an ad. This measures immediate impact.

Long-term feedback loops track changes in brand sentiment over time. They help you understand if CTV ads contribute to a stronger brand image.

Best Practices for Strategy

Brand Presence

To ensure your brand stands out in the crowded connected TV landscape, focus on building a strong brand presence. This means being visible and recognizable to your target audience at all times. Consistency is key here. It’s not just about showing up; it’s about being memorable in every encounter.

A robust brand presence influences consumer decision-making significantly. It shifts their focus from comparing products to preferring your brand, fostering loyalty.

To achieve this, integrate your branding seamlessly across CTV platforms and other digital channels. This unified approach helps differentiate your brand and encourages customers to engage with the brand itself, rather than just a single product.

Objective Clarity

Clear objectives and KPIs are crucial for navigating the CTV advertising space effectively. Tailor these goals to leverage CTV’s unique advantages, such as its immersive viewing experience and precise targeting capabilities. Setting specific KPIs related to social media engagement, website traffic, and brand mentions will guide your strategy towards enhancing brand visibility and engagement.

Remember, your objectives should evolve as you gain insights from measuring success in CTV campaigns. This iterative process ensures that your strategies remain aligned with both business goals and audience preferences.

Creative Consistency

While adapting your content for CTV, maintaining creative consistency across all channels is vital. However, optimize your messaging to exploit CTV’s format fully. High-quality visuals and engaging storytelling that resonate with your audience can make a significant impact on CTV screens.

Creative consistency strengthens brand recall and reinforces your message across different platforms. Yet, it’s crucial to tailor these creatives within the context of each platform’s unique user experience without compromising on coherence or quality.

Industry Trends

Staying abreast of industry trends and technological advancements is non-negotiable. The digital landscape evolves rapidly, and so do viewer behaviors on platforms like CTV. By keeping an eye on these changes, you can adapt your strategies proactively rather than reactively.

Incorporate emerging technologies and innovative advertising formats into your strategy where appropriate. This forward-thinking approach ensures that your brand remains relevant and competitive in an ever-changing market.

The Future of Television Ads

Budget Shifts

As you dive deeper into the evolving landscape of television, it’s clear that Connected TV is not just a trend but the future. Traditional TV advertising budgets are rapidly shifting towards CTV. This transition speaks volumes about where audiences spend their time and what they prefer.

Businesses are now recognizing the importance of being where their audience is, and how much easier it is to target them. As a result, more dollars are funneled into CTV. This shift ensures that your ads reach viewers who are increasingly choosing streaming services over traditional cable.

Ad Evolution

The evolution of television ads is set to take an exciting turn with new video unit formats. Interactive and personalized ads, powered by AI and machine learning, are becoming the norm. These technologies allow for a deeper understanding of viewer preferences, enabling content that resonates on a personal level.

Imagine ads that engage viewers by allowing them to interact directly from their couches. This isn’t just speculative; it’s the direction we’re headed. Personalization means your message can be tailored to fit the viewer’s interests, increasing engagement and recall.

VR/AR Integration

The integration of virtual and augmented reality (VR/AR) in CTV advertising offers unprecedented opportunities for brands to connect with consumers. These technologies create immersive experiences, transforming passive viewing into active participation.

Brands can transport viewers to virtual showrooms, offer interactive product demonstrations, or create engaging storylines that incorporate their products seamlessly. This level of engagement was unthinkable in traditional TV advertising but is fast becoming possible with advancements in CTV technology.

How Amplified Digital Can Help You

Amplified Digital Agency can help you with your CTV advertising campaigns from beginning to end.

Our sister company, Brand Ave. Studios, can help you from conceptualizing, all the way through the production and finalization of your video ad.

Once the ad(s) is created and approved, our skilled team at Amplified will work to make the best placement for your ads to reach the best audience, and keep track of your KPIs with detailed reporting.

Amplified has access to a wide range of CTV outlets where we can place your ads including:

  • Sling TV: A streaming service offering a variety of channels including sports and entertainment.
  • MLB: Major League Baseball, accessible through various platforms for live games and highlights.
  • Fox Sports: Provides comprehensive sports coverage including live events, news, and analysis.
  • Roku: A platform that supports streaming from multiple services including sports and entertainment channels.
  • Hallmark: Known for its family-friendly movies and series, available on various streaming services.
  • ESPN Tennis: Offers extensive coverage of tennis events, including live matches and commentary.
  • College Football: Available on multiple networks and streaming services, covering games and tournaments across the country.
  • PGA Tour: Golf fans can follow live tournaments and get updates through dedicated sports networks and apps.
  • Warner Media: A key player in entertainment, offering a range of content from movies to sports through its platforms.
  • The CW: Broadcasts a variety of content including series, special events, and potentially sports-related programming.
  • ABC Local: Local ABC stations provide news, entertainment, and in some cases, sports coverage.
  • NHL: National Hockey League games and related content can be streamed through official platforms and partners.
  • AMC: While primarily known for movies and series, may offer documentaries or specials related to sports.

We help you with the whole process, from start to finish, and can’t wait to hear what campaign you have in mind!


Join the Future of Advertising

You’ve seen the meteoric rise of Connected TV and how it’s shaking up the ad world. From pinpointing your audience to crafting killer campaigns, you’re now armed with the know-how to dive into CTV advertising.

It’s clear that the future of television ads isn’t just bright; it’s blazing a trail for a more interactive, engaging viewer experience. Whether you’re optimizing ad campaigns or measuring their success, remember, the key is to stay agile and innovative.

What’s next? Jump in!

Contact Amplified today and get started with your next campaign.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Connected TV (CTV)?

Connected TV, or CTV, refers to any television that can connect to the internet and access content beyond what is available via the traditional cable or satellite service.

Why should advertisers consider CTV advertising?

CTV advertising allows you to target your ads more precisely than traditional TV, reaching specific audiences based on their interests and habits. It’s like finding a needle in a haystack without having to search through the entire farm.

How can I target my audience with CTV?

You can target your audience on CTV by using data such as demographics, interests, viewing habits, and even geographical location. Imagine being able to whisper your message directly into the ears of those who actually want to hear it.

What types of content are available on CTV?

CTV offers a wide range of content including live sports, news broadcasts, movies, and TV shows across various streaming platforms. It’s like an all-you-can-eat buffet for your eyes!

How do I optimize my ad campaigns on CTV?

To optimize your ad campaigns on CTV, focus on creating engaging content, use precise targeting strategies, and adjust based on performance analytics. If it blends in well with the programming and doesn’t come across as a blatant ad, all the better!

How is success measured in CTV advertising?

Success in CTV advertising can be measured by metrics such as view-through rate (VTR), click-through rate (CTR), conversion rates, and overall engagement levels.

What are some best practices for CTV advertising strategy?

Best practices include understanding your audience deeply, choosing the right time and context for ads, leveraging interactive ad formats, and continually testing and refining your approach.

What does the future hold for television ads?

The future of television ads lies in increased personalization, interactivity, and integration with other digital marketing channels. AI will pave the way.
