Voice Search: How it Affects Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Voice Search: How it Affects Your Digital Marketing Strategy

Many smartphone users have discovered the convenience of their built-in assistants while on the go, such as Siri, Google, and Bixby. Now, with the growth of devices such as Amazon Echo, Google Home, and the new Apple HomePod, more users are utilizing their...
Top 5 Reasons you should be using Search Engine Marketing

Top 5 Reasons you should be using Search Engine Marketing

When people realize they want or need something, they instinctively turn to their search engine of choice, and for 1.2 billion people, that search engine is Google.1 We are all familiar with the general process of using a search engine – After you type something into...
Search + Display Advertising: The Power of Two

Search + Display Advertising: The Power of Two

Search advertising, also known as Pay-Per-Click (PPC), is a form of advertising that takes place within search engine results. When a consumer searches for a keyword you’ve bid on, their search term will trigger your text ad, which will show on the top of the results...