Why We Shouldn’t Forget About Reading

Why We Shouldn’t Forget About Reading

In today’s society, everything is often so fast paced that we forget to stop and really enjoy things. One of the things that I have been trying to do, especially recently, is force myself to get back into reading books. Forcing may be a strong word because I do enjoy...
Understanding Vocation

Understanding Vocation

I can imagine that few people enjoy getting up early five days a week to go to work, but that doesn’t mean they don’t enjoy what they do. I’ve never really understood how some pursue careers only for the money with little consideration regarding whether they enjoy the...
Brand Presence Building: Why it Matters

Brand Presence Building: Why it Matters

Marketing for your business and your products can be an overwhelming process. The tactics necessary for advertising products versus your business are completely different. Publicity surrounding your business as a whole is often called brand awareness. Brand awareness...
Conversion Rate Shouldn’t be Overlooked

Conversion Rate Shouldn’t be Overlooked

Analyzing campaign data for your digital advertising is vital as it allows you to better tailor the message and targeting to your customers’ behaviors. Most commonly, as advertisers, the focus is on the click-through-rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CVR) statistics. It...
The Importance of Understanding Process

The Importance of Understanding Process

I have come to realize how caught up in the motions one can be during their college years. With assignments and projects being thrown your way one after another, the task at hand is to get it done as soon as possible, whatever it takes. Once I began working in a more...
How Millennial Stereotypes can Benefit Your Business

How Millennial Stereotypes can Benefit Your Business

Several characteristics separate millennial consumers from any other consumers in history. Many of the stereotypes that surround the millennial generation – defined as those roughly born during the 1980s-2000s – can prove beneficial in creating tactics to target them....