It seems these days it is almost impossible to go into an establishment without seeing some sort of cannabidiol (CBD) product being sold, and as these items continue to grow in popularity, it makes sense that advertising and promotion would follow along. However, for many large platforms, including Google and Facebook, CBD is still considered to be an unapproved pharmaceutical or supplement, and is still illegal at a federal level, making digital advertising almost impossible for companies selling CBD products. As new laws are passed and CBD continues to become more mainstream, advertising policies will look to evolve, but there are ways your company may be able to get the message out now.
*Please note as you read on that there is a risk that any company assisting with the marketing of CBD could be held criminally responsible for aiding and abetting a criminal enterprise.
The Growth of CBD
In 2018, based on research by the cannabis market research firm BDS Analytics, CBD was valued at $1.9 billion in the United States. This is projected to grow to $20 billion by 2024, and potentially up to $45 billion when tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) products are also taken into account. As laws around cannabis become more relaxed, with many states legalizing marijuana in various forms, businesses providing these products will continue to increase, making it even more important to be at the forefront of advertising.
Getting the Word Out about CBD Products
Although product availability is there, current state and federal laws make it difficult for companies to advertise in the traditional fashion. When selling CBD specifically, many brands rely on influencer marketing, print, audio, television, and direct mail to help get around current digital constraints. Of course, this does not mean it cannot be done.
Programmatic advertising is helping CBD companies in a big way by providing at least some digital advertising to companies, but it needs to be done right.
- To start, be aware of the specific regulations within your state and that of which you plan to advertise.
- For now, any CBD products being advertised must be derived from hemp, not marijuana.
- Do not advertise products that are to be consumed, whether infused in food, drinks, or supplements.
- Do not make any health or medical claims for products within advertisements.
- Ensure your campaign runs with exclusionary zones to avoid advertising to minors such as schools, playgrounds, churches, and more.
- Do not show anyone consuming or using the product within the advertisement.
- Consider working with a lawyer who can help review creative work for compliance, and be flexible with every campaign as policies continue to change and evolve.
Where to Start
While digital advertising is still a bit murky with CBD, it is vital to ensure your company begins advertising available products now as the market continues to grow. Creating a successful campaign can help educate consumers, boost sales, and increase brand recognition. Programmatic advertising is currently the best way to begin spreading your message digitally, but even without the complications of rules surrounding CBD, it can be complicated to navigate and advertise effectively.
At Amplified Digital, our experienced team is here to help you create a successful campaign to help get the word out about your CBD products. We keep up-to-date on marketing trends and policies, and ensure your advertising dollars are invested in areas that will provide you with the return you’re looking for.
*At present, restricted advertising is available for CBD products, however Amplified is not currently offering website development or social media / reputation services due to unclear laws surrounding the legality of and liable party for these services that assist in representing the company online.*
For more information on advertising CBD products and how we can help, contact us today!