IP Targeting: Digital Direct Mail

IP Targeting: Digital Direct Mail

For decades, direct mail has persisted as a tried and true way for brands and local companies to reach their clientele, however recent research has shown that direct mail efforts only become truly effective after the third mailing to the same prospect list. Companies...
August Isn’t Just for Back to School Planning

August Isn’t Just for Back to School Planning

With summertime in full swing, it’s hard to think about the winter holidays that are slowly approaching, but if you’re a small business, an innovative and well planned marketing strategy is imperative during the holidays. Trends over the last few years have indicated...
Digital Trends of 2016

Digital Trends of 2016

As 2015 quickly comes to a close, we naturally reflect on “the good’s, the bad’s, and the ugly’s” of our habits and behaviors. In addition, we ponder our business practices and how the inevitable, drastic changes in digital marketing helped us thrive, encouraged us to...