Four Reasons I Love Interning at Amplified

Four Reasons I Love Interning at Amplified

It’s no secret to anyone that knows me I have enjoyed my time at Amplified thus far immensely. For those of you that don’t, you may ask “How much have you loved it, Alexa?”. Well I am finishing up my second summer here, so you could say I like...
Finding My Place

Finding My Place

I remember thinking that choosing a major would be one of the most difficult decisions of my life.  Looking at all of my options, I considered myself fortunate that I knew the general area that I wanted to pursue: communications. The thing about communications is...
The Importance of Adaptability

The Importance of Adaptability

One of the most difficult aspects of being in a new environment is having to learn new things and accept change. I have found this to be true at many times throughout my life thus far, including joining new teams, schools, or any organization in general. Often the...
Intern to Intern: Keys to a Successful First Week

Intern to Intern: Keys to a Successful First Week

I rarely feel that I am the best candidate to give advice. Maybe my limited experience is what qualifies me to write about this topic, otherwise my tips may not be realistic or helpful. You be the judge! I am currently finishing up my first week as the digital...
Final Thoughts

Final Thoughts

Reflecting back on the last eight weeks is a bit overwhelming as there are so many things that I have learned. I do not even know where to begin! I think the most important take away I have recognized thus far is I really submerged myself in an atmosphere that I was...


This week, I would like to revisit the same topic I wrote about a few weeks back regarding personal pressure and goals. In addition, I will be discussing the topics of recovery and accountability in situations that force us into unwanted circumstances. According to...