by Web Dev | Aug 17, 2018
Smartphone users have an application for nearly everything; weather, games, grocery shopping, fitness tracking, social media… the list could go on for days. Perhaps you’ve been thinking about offering your customers an app for your business, but is it really worth it?...
by Web Dev | Feb 25, 2016
When you woke up this morning, your first move was most likely a reach for your cell phone. You may also find yourself immediately checking your phone when you start your lunch break. Let’s be honest though…chances are your cell phone is next to you at your desk...
by Melissa Grubbs | Sep 29, 2014
What is Geo targeting? Before you can dive head first into this article, it is important to understand what geo targeting is. Geo targeting, also spelled geo-targeting, is used in context of advertising. When geotargeting is used, it delivers content to a user based...
by Web Dev | Jul 23, 2014
Many Americans have their smartphones readily available in their pockets or in bed with them at night. No matter where you go, it seems everyone is glued to their phone. According to PewResearch, ninety percent of adults in the United States have a cellphone, with...
by Web Dev | Aug 27, 2013
Why Mobile Matters to Your Business There’s an AskReddit post from several months back that made the internet rounds where someone asked the question: “If someone from the 1950s suddenly appeared today, what would be the most difficult thing to explain to them...