Is your company taking advantage of the Super Bowl? Thankfully, your company doesn’t need to spend millions of dollars for a 30-second in-game commercial spot to reach your consumers. This is the power of digital marketing, especially social media. According to David...
What is Geo targeting? Before you can dive head first into this article, it is important to understand what geo targeting is. Geo targeting, also spelled geo-targeting, is used in context of advertising. When geotargeting is used, it delivers content to a user based...
Cellular Shopping takes over desktop & laptop Do you feel most comfortable & secure shopping online from the comfort of your computer chair or at the convenience of your fingertips? According to San Jose Mercury News & the latest survey from Branding...
People have become more familiar & comfortable with interacting through their smartphones & tablets rather than talking face to face. And while this way of communication continues to trend upward, technology developers are spending their days brainstorming...