Establishing your Personal Brand: Social Media Edition

Establishing your Personal Brand: Social Media Edition

The hiring process has been drastically changed over the last decade due to social media. Many employers are looking to social media as a pre-screening phase during the interview process. For those about to graduate college, social media management is essential to...
How Storytelling and Organic Content Impact Online Presence

How Storytelling and Organic Content Impact Online Presence

You have a great company, providing services and products you know are valuable to consumers, so you invest in advertising to get the word out. You’ve chosen a great strategy, but it may not be as effective as you’d like if you haven’t paid much attention to what you...
5 Ways LinkedIn can Impact your Marketing Strategy

5 Ways LinkedIn can Impact your Marketing Strategy

Promoting a business on LinkedIn can require far different tactics than those used on other social media sites. Similarly, promotion on LinkedIn can be more beneficial and influential than that on other sites. This is not to degrade the vast opportunity within other...
Conversion Rate Shouldn’t be Overlooked

Conversion Rate Shouldn’t be Overlooked

Analyzing campaign data for your digital advertising is vital as it allows you to better tailor the message and targeting to your customers’ behaviors. Most commonly, as advertisers, the focus is on the click-through-rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CVR) statistics. It...
How Millennial Stereotypes can Benefit Your Business

How Millennial Stereotypes can Benefit Your Business

Several characteristics separate millennial consumers from any other consumers in history. Many of the stereotypes that surround the millennial generation – defined as those roughly born during the 1980s-2000s – can prove beneficial in creating tactics to target them....