Conversion Rate Shouldn’t be Overlooked

Conversion Rate Shouldn’t be Overlooked

Analyzing campaign data for your digital advertising is vital as it allows you to better tailor the message and targeting to your customers’ behaviors. Most commonly, as advertisers, the focus is on the click-through-rate (CTR) and conversion rate (CVR) statistics. It...
How Millennial Stereotypes can Benefit Your Business

How Millennial Stereotypes can Benefit Your Business

Several characteristics separate millennial consumers from any other consumers in history. Many of the stereotypes that surround the millennial generation – defined as those roughly born during the 1980s-2000s – can prove beneficial in creating tactics to target them....
Google Customer Match: What is It and How Does it Work?

Google Customer Match: What is It and How Does it Work?

Bringing in new customers is important, but you don’t want to forget about keeping your current customers engaged. Many of those who are already fans of your business have most likely voluntarily provided their contact information to you, and thanks to Google Customer...
How YouTube is Changing the Face of Traditional Television

How YouTube is Changing the Face of Traditional Television

In the not-so-distant past, you had to wait until you were home in order to watch your favorite television show. Unfortunately, if you were away when it was showtime, you had either better hope your VHS recorder was setup correctly, or you simply missed out on that...
Making an Impact with Video Marketing

Making an Impact with Video Marketing

Online video has become an integral part of our digital world. With users sharing videos on Facebook and websites such as YouTube, there’s a constant flow of new information to be consumed. Also, an increasing amount of people are consuming video from their...